Bose Headphones – $300-500
I can’t mention enough how awesome these noise-cancelling devices are for in-flight. Hands down, they are my favorite luxury travel item.
SD Cards – $10-20
A great stocking-stuffer for your favorite photographer. You can never have too many of these as back-up for the crucial photos.
Packable Backpack –$20-45
This is a travel essential. You never know when you might need a little bit more space or a day-trip bag.
Universal Travel Adapter – $20
An adapter for every country all-in-one with 2 USB ports for your electronic equipment in this sleek black design. Perfect for the international traveler.
Portable Charger – $20-40
Power on the go for all of your important electronic equipment at a reasonable price and compact size. Not just travelers want this – everyone does!
Flight/Hotel Gift Cards – $25-500
Obviously, the classic gift for anyone who loves to travel is money toward flights on their favorite airline or hotel (or AirBnB). You really can’t go wrong with this.
Shutterfly – $10-100
Shutterfly is a fantastic way to make keepsakes for your favorite travelbug. Photo prints, photobooks (like I’ve made here) and tons of creative personalized gifts will help them remember their favorite places. You can also give them a gift-card so they can create their own works of art.
Globe Art – $225-300
These highly creative globes are the perfect way to document where you’ve been with pushpins and this artist has made some beautiful custom globes.
Scratch-Off Maps – $15-30
If a globe isn’t your thing (or price point), and you want a more traditional wall map instead – try one of these scratch-off world maps for your wanderluster. They will have quite fun scratching off each destination as they go.
Flight Lessons – $100-200
Last but not least – if you have a real adventurer in your midst who already owns everything listed above (and more), and you’re looking for something way outside the box, then try an introductory flight lesson at a local flight school. And, I speak from personal experience: they may get addicted to this very expensive and time-consuming hobby. You have been warned.